I may be a devout rubyist, but I still have a soft spot for WordPress – and maybe even a little for PHP too. One of the things I think is lacking is a good way to manage WordPress updates since, as we all know, WordPress updates constantly. I wrote this quick thor script to help me update to the latest version from the command line so I can do quick version testing. As an added bonus, there is also an export task as well which will simulate doing a wordpress XML export from the dashboard.
So, for all you WordPress guys out there who hate doing manual updates, check this out. It may make life a little bit easier.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# wordpress.rb
require 'rubygems'
require 'thor'
require 'open-uri'
class Wordpress < Thor
include Thor::Actions
WORDPRESS_URL = %{http://wordpress.org}
FILENAME = %{latest.tar.gz}
TMP_PATH = %{/tmp}
desc 'update', 'Update wordpress to the latest version'
def update
download_url = URI.join(WORDPRESS_URL, FILENAME)
tmp_path = File.join(TMP_PATH, FILENAME)
install_path = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))
say %{Downloading latest version of wordpress from #{download_url}}, :yellow
run %{`which curl` #{download_url} -o #{tmp_path}}
say %{Installing to #{install_path}}, :yellow
if yes?(%{Continue? [yes/no]: }, :green)
say %{Updating...}, :yellow
run %{tar -C #{install_path} -xzf #{tmp_path} --strip 1}
say %{Update Aborted}, :red
# See: http://drincruz.blogspot.com/2009/11/wordpress-cli-export.html
desc 'export', 'Export wordpress to STDOUT (same as using the website)'
def export
code = %{
run %{`which php` -r "#{code}"}, :verbose => false
- install thor gem
gem install thor
- add wordpress script to your wordpress install root and chmod it
chmod a+x wordpress
- update wordpress
./wordpress update
- export wordpress (php must have CLI support)
./wordpress export | gzip -c > ~/Desktop/wp_export.xml.gz