Custom Column Names for ActiveRecord Validation Messages

If you need to customize the field name for ActiveRecord validation messages, I wrote this quick little include that allows you to remap column names.

For example, if you have a User with a name field and you didn’t like the default “Name cannot be blank.” message, and instead wanted “Your name cannot be blank” you can include this module and use rename_fields :name => 'Your Name' to rename the column.

The easy way to do this is to overwrite your class’s human_attribute_name method (see documentation for more info). This is how ActiveRecord looks up your column names.

Since this is kind of a pain to do for every class, and maintain separate column maps, I wrote this quick-and-dirty module that you can include in your class and call rename_fields.

# small concern that allows you to override the field names for validation messages
# Example:
#   # without concern
#   class User < ActiveRecord::Base
#     validates :name, presence: true
#   end
#   # => "Name can't be blank"
#   # with concern
#   class User < ActiveRecord::Base
#     include CustomFieldNames
#     # use "My name" instead of "Name"
#     rename_fields :name => 'My name'
#     validates :name, presence: true
#   end
#   # => "My name can't be blank"
module CustomFieldNames
  extend ActiveSupport::Concern

  included do
    extend ClassMethods
    class_attribute(:_field_name_map){ }

  module ClassMethods
    # Example:
    #   rename_fields :column => 'New Name'
    def rename_fields(map = {})
      self._field_name_map = map.symbolize_keys

    # override some error messages to use our custom column names
    def human_attribute_name(attribute, options = {})
      self._field_name_map[attribute.to_sym] || super

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